Coconut oil has so many incredible uses and the list just keeps piling up, from oil pulling to healthy cooking. Now it’s my new favorite way to wash my face. What can’t it do? I am going to go out on a limb here and just outright say, it’s the bomb.

Please excuse my awkwardness. Clearly, I like to think that I am more comfortable in front of the camera than I actually am… or maybe it’s being makeup-free in front of thousands.
For years, I have had the same routine. Washing my face in the shower and moisturizing with my old go to lotion (Target’s Up & Up moisturizing lotion with SPF 15) immediately after. With my face taken care of, I would rub my arms down with whatever seasonal scent Bath & Body Works lotion was appropriate for the day. I didn’t realize it, but I was starting each day with a number of questionable and downright dangerous chemicals. Our beauty products are filled with many ingredients that can lead to cancer, reproductive issues, and skin irritations. Here is a list for ingredients to look out for.

I may not smell like walking perfume ad anymore (those sensitive to smells, like Ryan, are glad for that), but like I have told you many times before, I feel better than ever. My skin has never done so well ‘on its own.’ Instead of managing one problem with another, I am actually healing my skin and protecting my body.
Last year, I first started using coconut oil to replace olive oil and taking a spoonful down the hatch for a natural energy boost (you think oil pulling is challenging?). But hey it works. I had heard coconut oil was a good moisturizer, but it wasn’t until an old friend shared her love for using it as a makeup remover and face wash that I really considered switching things up. This easy shift forever changed the way I wash and moisturize my skin. I say skin rather than face because I rub down in the stuff.

After washing my face with the coconut oil mixture, my skin is soft and moisturized. By day three my driest spot (above my nose just between my eyes) is asking for more. I suspect in the winter I will lean more towards every day. I haven’t used any lotion anywhere in months. Clearly, the coconut oil holds up to all the hype.
As it was suggested to me, I mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. I create the mix in a ramekin and keep it within arm’s reach of the shower. The mix usually lasts me a week or more. The baking soda exfoliates and the coconut oil works its moisturizing magic. I can use it every day, or go a few days without and my skin remains clear and smooth.
Heads-up- Use this face wash mix on a small portion of your skin to test first. I’ve used this daily for over a year and am still head-over-heels for the stuff, but some folks can have a negative reaction.

In the shower, I rinse my face well with water, scoop a little of the mix out, and rub it all over paying closer attention to my forehead and around my nose. I don’t let it sit, so I rinse my face immediately. It will most likely feel a little oily while still wet, but do not fret. Pat dry with a towel and that is it, voila instant smoothness. If you like it on our face, you must try

In case you need more of a reason to consider the switch, I recently read that coconut oil acts as a sunblock, screening 20% of ultraviolet exposure. One of my favorite reasons for switching is that it’s safe for the water system. Many face washes contain exfoliating beads that are actually made of plastic. So, not only are the chemicals from the wash going down the drain and contaminating water supply, so are those microscopic plastic bits.
I have come to terms that this might not be the perfect fit for Ryan. As much as I rave about it and tell him how much my sister and her husband enjoy it, he just doesn’t like it (I think it’s the beard). When I find my bearded, sensitive skinned, texture particular man his perfect cleansing match I’ll be sure to share the update with you.
With all that said, If anyone has a favorite natural cleanser they use, please share! I’d love to hear.
Original article and pictures take http://thisnaturaldream.com/coconut-oil-face-wash/ site
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