If more people knew about the cost-efficient and natural ways to better health and lifestyle, truly, many chemical companies out there would run out of business. In fact, there are multiple ways one can utilize nature's gifts and incorporate them into everyday beauty and lifestyle practices. My favorite beauty tip is very easy to uphold and very time and cost efficient. For radiant and beautiful skin, it is important for the average consumer to 1) be aware of the product s/he is buying and the ingredients included within and 2) understand that the most quality ingredients are found in nature. Given that many people buy into the appealing wording of the advertisements spun by the most popular beauty brands, the average consumer is "too trusting" and uninformed about the ingredients found in most beauty products. In the recent months, I've been hearing about studies which find that almost all of us (excluding the health-nuts among us) are saturated with household chemicals....and among the most vulnerable victims are developing children and pregnant women. Indeed, if the public did find out about the extent of toxicity that is found in such everyday products as a face cleanser, shampoo and kitchen cleaner, one would hope that a movement to ban most of these chemicals would have occurred and a new trend of natural products would make its way to foster the trend.
Yes, it is true that the natural and organic movement has made head-way in the last decade, and I must say (given my frequent travels) that the US is one of the leading countries to provide a wide extent of natural products- from soy ice cream to organic sunscreen- at efficient cost and accessibility. However, the beauty industry is still largely dominated by toxic products that slowly impact our health over time. The movement towards "safer" mainstream cosmetics has to catch up, and the consumer is the main actor in enabling the voice of natural reason to be heard.
In this entry, I will help discard two conventional beauty products most of us use daily and provide a safe, healthy and inexpensive alternative. These products are face scrub and moisturizer (for all skin types). In the photo above, I capture what the ingredients for the alternative entail...and as an avid user of them myself, I can laud them with a mountaintop "hallelujah" and sing praises to their effectiveness.
I have been using baking soda as a scrub and cleanser for years and it works wonderfully because it is gentle enough not to irritate break-out-prone skin but also potent enough to wash away all impurities, remove oil and ph balance the skin (so that it doesn't become a breading ground for bacteria). Baking soda is very inexpensive and can also be used as a deodorant for the home, teeth whitener, washing away impurities on fruits and veggies, coffee/tea stain remover and even hair lightener (when combined with lemon juice).
The next step includes the moisturizer. What you'll need is extra virgin coconut oil, tea tree oil (for break-out prone skin) and/or any favorite essential oil. Pure coconut oil is a wonderful product that has recently been appraised for its incredible health and beauty benefits, and I am by far it's most avid fan. The following is the moisturizer recipe:
1) In a preferably glass cosmetics jar, pour the coconut oil almost to the top. Coconut oil hardens at cooler temperatures and becomes oil at room temperature; you can keep it in the fridge and it will have a balm consistency, or you can opt for the oiliness- depending on your preferences.
2) Add 10-15 drops of tea tree oil (tee tree has incredible anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and will keep your skin clean and break-out free. If you have dry skin, you may opt for lavender essential oil instead or any other essential oil you prefer.
3) Close lid and shake the mixture so the coconut oil and the essential oil are properly mixed.
4) After washing your face with baking soda (or your favorite natural soap), apply a few drops of the oil on your face and massage the substance on your skin.
Coconut oil in not only conditioning for the skin, but its acids are also anti-bacterial. For oily skin, applying coconut oil after the natural skin oil is washed off will slow down natural oil production and keep the skin protected from bacteria and any other environmental damage. The application will bring moisture back to the skin without clogging pores

After using it for some time, I broke out less (the redness of new break-outs clears quicker) and my pores were minimized. It worked for my sisters and my mom as well- they are avid users and have been recommending the product to all relatives and friends.
Without any harsh chemicals or special additives, baking soda and coconut oil can be bought in bulk and used over time for beautiful, healthy and youthful skin. Try them, and I do hope you experience the same wonderful benefits as I did. Live naturally and beautifully!
Original article and pictures take http://anesak.hubpages.com/hub/Wellness-and-Lifestyle-Tips site
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