With this Japanese Tanaka massage you will be able to make yourself look younger in just two weeks. You just need to do this massage every day and you shouldn’t make breaks.
Tanaka is a type of massage that is able to remove the wrinkles, you skin is tightened and it corrects the facial features. The individuals who have attempted to do this massage confirm that the results are visible just after 2 weeks. This massage is able to stimulate the lymph glands, and because of that it speeds up the removal of excess fluids and toxins from the face.
You can do the massage without any creams and oils, and you can use oil from cotton if you like it, because it is reach in omega-6 fatty acids and many vitamins. The almond and olive oil are also great for this massage.
Check out the video here to learn how to do the massage.
References: www.healthyfoodhouse.com
Original article and pictures take http://www.beautyhealthpage.com/the-miraculous-japanese-facial-massage-that-will-make-you-look-ten-years-younger/ site
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