Unwanted facial hair can really be a pain, especially so for women. But what happens when you’re at home, getting ready to go out to a nice

There are plenty of ways to remove facial hair at home if you don’t have the means to run to a store to grab items. The most common way to remove facial hair would be to use Hair Removal Cream such as Nair. If you just so happen to have this lying around in your home. If you don’t, there are other ways.
Luckily, there are lots of little remedies to remove facial hair, just by using your FOOD at home. Yes, food. Simple, everyday ingredients can actually help in removing facial hair.
The simplest way to remove facial hair at home would be to combine two easy ingredients, lemon and sugar. 1 lemon and 1 spoonful of sugar, throw in a little water and once mixed well together, you can apply the “cream” to your unwanted facial hair and 15-25 minutes later, your hair is GONE!
Another few easy ways to remove facial hair at home to make a pasty type hair remover are to combine Lemon Juice & Gram Flour, as well as combining Milk & Turmeric, or combining Eggs, Sugar& Corn Flour. All three of these combinations will create a paste type cream that you will apply to the unwanted facial hair for 15-20 minutes, then wash or peel off and your hair peels off with it! Most people prefer the Egg, Sugar and Corn Flour method considering the ingredients can USUALLY be found in everyone’s household. However, all three work just as good as the other.
The last way to remove facial hair at home would be to combine lemon juice and honey. This obviously will create a liquid type hair remover that you would soak up into a cotton ball, and gently rub on the area for 10-15 minutes. After half an hour, wash your face off and you will notice a huge difference!
There is just one last way that you can remove facial hair at home, but instead of it being an “on the spot” treatment, it’s more of method of prevention of the unwanted hair, and it’s actually the BEST way to remove facial hair at home because it prevents hair from even appearing in the first place. Doctors say if you take in more Phytoestrogens in your diet, the phytoestrogens mimic estrogen itself, therefore creating less unwanted hair! Licorice, alfalfa, flaxseeds, fennel and Gotu Kola are all very high in phytoestrogens, and consuming these foods will prevent unwanted facial hair all together. So ladies, start eating your phytoestrogens and never worry about a razor, cream or home remedy to remove facial hair, EVER again!
Unlock the Secret to a Life without Embarrassing body hair →
Original article and pictures take http://beautyhacks.co.uk/best-way-remove-facial-hair-home/ site
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