воскресенье, 20 августа 2017 г.

So Simple Spray Deodorant!

So Simple Spray Deodorant!

DIY Spray Deodorant

I went to the gym today. I haven’t been in years-I usually do

Peak 8 on my treadmill at home so going somewhere was a BIG change. It donned on me before I went that I was going to have to do something about my outrageous B.O. I quit deodorant a while ago. I made my own (recipe HERE) but ran out and just never made more. I’m probably sounding like a crunchy hippy about now, I’m really not, just my pits are. Let me just be frank-I STINK. All. The. Time. So this morning I recalled a post on one of my fave blogs, Camp Wander. She made a spray deodorant using just Witch Hazel and essential oils. I thought I’d try it and headed off to the gym. To my surprise I could still smell the essential oils and the body odor was at a bare minimum. Not only was this so simple to make, Frankincense essential oil is proven to fight cancer. These days women are getting breast cancer by the handfuls. It sure makes sense to knock off the aluminum filled commercial deodorants, make your own and add Frankincense to it, right?

DIY Spray Deodorant

spray deodorant 1

20 drops Frankincense Essential Oil (find it HERE)

20 drops Lavender Essential Oil (find it HERE)

20 drops Lemon Essential Oil (find it HERE)

Mix all ingredients together. Spray as often as needed! Heck, make a smaller one and carry it around-I do! It’s a lifesaver!

See, it’s so easy. You don’t have much to lose! Try it out, if it doesn’t work, you can use it as a room spray!

xx, Jenni

Always use high quality essential oils in all your recipes. I get all my essential oils from Spark Naturals. Use my coupon code JENNIRAINCLOUD to receive 10% off your order!

DIY Spray Deodorant

Original article and pictures take http://jenniraincloud.com/so-simple-spray-deodorant/ site

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