воскресенье, 20 августа 2017 г.

Smooth Skin for Shorts and Swimsuit Season

Smooth Skin for Shorts and Swimsuit Season
Smooth Skin for Shorts and Swimsuit Season

Thank you to Completely Bare for sponsoring this blog post. As always, opinions 100% mine.

Oh, how the weather is getting hot down here in Houston. I always get a little nervous around this time because the heat means shorts and swimsuits. I know many women struggle with the confidence to wear both, and I am no exception. While I am comfortable in my skin, I always worry about silly things like “Are my legs toned enough?” “Oh man, why am I so pale?” and “Have I removed every single last hair that is showing?”

To prepare myself for shorts and swimsuit season, I start paying extra mind to a few things!

love this summer outfit - perfect for Memorial Day or 4th of July

Here’s what I’m doing to get ready to bare more skin.

Dry brushing – Dry brushing helps improve circulation and the overall appearance of skin. I recommend you look it up and do some research before you start! I take a dry bristly brush and sweep it in long strokes towards the heart. I do this all over my body, especially on my arms and legs. This is a daily practice.

Exfoliation – This is a given! We all know that in order to keep the skin smooth you’ve got to exfoliate the dead skin cells. I like to keep a good scrub in the shower, one for my face and one for my body. I exfoliate about once to twice a week, as I do not want to over do it. Maintaining exfoliation keeps my skin soft and smooth.

Self Tanning – I always feel like I look more toned and healthy with a little tan, but it always needs to come from a bottle! One a week I will use a self-tanner. This gives my skin an overall healthy looking appearance and

makes me feel even more confident to wear my shorts.

At Home Hair Removal – More skin showing equals more hair to remove, am I right?! It gets frustrating to have to constantly shave, and I’m not one to go to the salon to get a wax. Ain’t nobody got time (or money!) for that! I recently had the opportunity to partner with and try out some products from Completely Bare. This all came at a perfect time with summer just around the corner. Guys, I am really loving them! While I have always been a DIY beauty kind of girl, these are so easy to use. They’re perfect for removing as much hair as you want without irritating your skin, and helping that hair grow back as slowly as possible.


I first use the Hypo-Allergenic Wax Strips wherever I want to remove hair. The box comes with three different sizes that work for whatever area you want to wax. Waxing myself tends to be a little (okay, a lot) intimidating, but they really aren’t that scary to use, nor do they require heat. Move quickly, and it’s over quickly with minimal pain.

After the wax, I make sure to wipe the area with the Bikini Bump Blaster, which prevents ingrown hairs and irritation. I love how soothing these are. I actually love using these under my arms after shaving daily, because that area is the most delicate of all.

Finally, I follow up with the Body Moisturizer & Hair Inhibitor, to make sure that hair grows back as slowly as possible. I’ve got to say, it really does work! Even if I’m not waxing, I like to apply this to my legs.

Love these Completely Bare products for at home hair removal!

As my summer vacation rolls around in just a week and a half, I’ll definitely be ready for my first pool day. Cheers to smooth skin all summer long!

Completely Bare Products for Summer

Original article and pictures take http://megoonthego.com/2016/05/smooth-skin-shorts-swimsuit-season/ site

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