воскресенье, 20 августа 2017 г.

Say Goodbye To Back Pain! Here’s How To Get Rid Of Back Pain In Natural Way! Successful In 95% Of Cases!

Say Goodbye To Back Pain! Here’s How To Get Rid Of Back Pain In Natural Way! Successful In 95% Of Cases!

Low back pain is one of the most common health problems today, and it is estimated that 80% of the population during their lifetime has at least once pain in the lower back or lumbar, lower part of the spine.

Thus, low back pain has become a major public health problem because it is the most common cause of absence from work.

It is known in many names, one of which is known lumbago, and one of the popular is “hexenschuss” or witch stab which talks about the sudden emergence and character of the disease.



Spine is anatomically complicated set of vertebrae (of which 7 cervical, 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar mobile), cartilage rings that allow the launch of the vertebrae, and is associated with a number of muscles, nerves, blood vessels and ligaments, forming the main body bearing assembly.

It allows us upright posture, vertebrae arranged in a tube shape shielding canal through which passes the spinal cord and nerve roots of the arms and legs.

Therefore, because of its multiple functions spine is exposed to constant mechanical action of the load (pressure, train, shear, bending, twisting), which can cause overuse.

Some parts of the spine (cervical, thoracic and lumbar) have a different range of motion, from which the neck is extremely mobile, and the breast part is very low mobility.

At the transition between one parts of the spine to another usually leads to degenerative changes, which are a source of pain.


These are all people who work hard physical work or several hours are in adverse postures, mainly sedentary job, older men in whom there were a degenerative process, people with osteoporosis or some congenital anomalies of the spine after injuries and operations of the spine.


The herb comfrey, which grows on wet meadows, fields and ditches near the water, it can make life easier for millions of people struggling with back pain, say researchers.

Ointment containing the extract of this plant successfully passed testing for five days to fully heal back pain. The researchers examined 120 people with pain in the lower

and upper back.

The research was conducted by scientists at the German Sports University in Bonn, and the results were published in the British Journal of Sports Medina. Comfrey root extract is an incredibly powerful and clinically proven to effectively reduce acute pain, according to an explanation of the research results.

This plant has a root as beet and large, hairy leaves and herbalists have been used it since ancient times. Previous studies have also shown that comfrey effectively removes other types of pain and proved to be excellent in gel form against the pain and dislocation of joints in osteoarthritis and the knee. But it should not be taken in the form of capsules and supplements because it can be toxic to the liver.

Source: http://healthandnaturalmedicine.com/

Original article and pictures take http://www.healthyfoodvision.com/say-goodbye-to-back-pain-heres-how-to-get-rid-of-back-pain-in-natural-way-successful-in-95-of-cases/ site

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