It may sound incredible, but cabbage leaves are very beneficial because they pull out the diseases from our bodies.

Wrap the area with fresh cabbage leaves,if

Thyroid gland
Put the cabbage leaves on the throat where the gland is , cover them with a shawl or a bandage and sleep through the night . Remove it in the morning. It is so important because the thyroid gland is exceptionally important in functioning of the metabolism, organs and digestive system.
Maybe unbearable headaches could be related to eye problems , excessive stress or tiredness. You should Apply fresh cabbage leaves and compress on the upper area of your head . Then put a hat so that the leaves stay in place.
Pain due to breastfeeding
Every woman during breastfeeding her baby feels terrible pain. It can be reduced with compress of fresh cabbage leaves and the pain will instantly disappear. This can be repeated during the day or night. Source:www.healthtipssource.com
Original article and pictures take http://wp.me/p8zi1r-3x site
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