If you are like me, you ignore your feet for the winter. When spring hits and it’s time to wear sandals, I look at my feet and think “ugh,” I can’t be seen in sandals with feet that look like this! I am in need of some intense Pretty Summer Feet Care!
I have two options. One is to pay a small fortune for an expensive salon pedicure or two, use a home remedy to get my feet looking great for flip flop season.

I’ve seen both of these methods on Pinterest and always wondered if either worked at all or if one worked better than the other. Let’s get testing!
Pretty Summer Feet Care
Method #1 Listerine and Shaving Cream
Put shaving cream on the bottom of your feet.
Mix equal portions of very warm water and Listerine. Soak a hand towel in the Listerine and water mixture. Wrap around your feet and soak in mixture for 30 minutes.
I somehow managed to delete the picture with my daughters foot wrapped in a hand towel soaking in water and Listerine. Please use your imagination here! You will know we really did this when you see her after picture below!
After 30 minutes rub your feet with the towel and some of the calloused skin should come off.
Here is our after picture. As you can tell my daughter has a BLUE foot! About half of it came off with one cleaning. She is headed to a swim party tonight and I’m pretty sure the chlorine from the pool will remove the rest of blue color and she will not come home with a Smurf foot.
She mentioned that her foot was tingling and burned slightly while it was soaking. She said “it didn’t hurt, but it didn’t feel good.” Her left foot was softer, smelled fresh and minty. Did it remove some of the dead calloused skin? A little but not very much.
Sorry to say that good old Listerine and shaving cream for calloused feet for our Pretty Summer Feet Care…….
Is a Flop!
Let’s move on to our next method.
This pin comes from How – Living Well Articles. Let’s hope this one works for our Summer Feet Care
- Mix 1/4 cup Vaseline with 2 cups Epsom Salts. Set aside to use later.
Here is how it looks mixed together.
- Pour 1 cup Epsom salt into 3 cups water and soak feet for 30 minutes.
- Scrub with Vaseline and Epsom salt scrub. Some of the calloused skin should come off.
As you can tell from the before and after photo from above at least half of the calloused skin was removed from the left heal/foot. We used cocoa butter scented Vaseline, so not only did this method remove dead skin and soften the foot, it also smelled like cocoa butter!
What do you do to remove all of the calloused skin for your Pretty Summer Feet Care? Use this method first and then get out your pumice stone to finish the job! Then it is important to moisturize your feet on a regular basis to avoid calloused feet in the future.
If you are like me, you will forget to moisturize your feet on a regular basis. Which means each spring you will need to use this method to get your feet pretty for sandal season. Good thing….
This Pin Totally Rocks!
Original article and pictures take http://www.madefrompinterest.net/2013/07/pretty-summer-feet-care/ site
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