воскресенье, 20 августа 2017 г.

How to Transition to Natural Beauty (Free Worksheet & Checklist!)

How to Transition to Natural Beauty (Free Worksheet & Checklist!)
How to Transition to Natural Beauty (Free Worksheet & Checklist!) - Healthfully Hannah

How to Transition to Natural Beauty - Free Worksheet & Checklist | HealthfullyHannah.com

With the thousands of chemicals allowed in the cosmetic industry, it’s not surprising that we’re applying 160+ harmful chemicals to our bodies every day in the form of deodorant, shampoo, makeup, and more!

The thought of transitioning to natural beauty might be overwhelming at first, I completely understand that but I don’t believe it should be stressful or confusing. So, I’ve created a worksheet and a checklist just for you to help you transition to safer cosmetics! You can download them here or click the image below.

How to Transition to Natural Beauty

  1. Scan everything you use.

    This is the easiest way to learn about the safety of the products you’re using. You can download the ThinkDirty App and EWG’s Healthy Living App (which includes Skin Deep) and scan your personal care products and cosmetics. You’ll get you a score for your products as well as information on how toxic they are in terms of cancer-causing chemicals, hormone and reproductive disrupting chemicals, and allergies.

    A note about cosmetic rating systems and apps: They are meant to be used as tools that help you learn about the safety and ingredients in your personal care products. They should help guide your transition to safer cosmetics, but should not replace further research. In fact, I encourage you to use these tools to research the ingredients in your products and determine if you are comfortable using them.

    Seriously, scan everything: from shampoo and body wash to lotion and makeup, it all matters.

    If a product is not rated, search the first few ingredients in the product on the EWG’s Skin Deep website to determine how safe the product is. If several of the ingredients are toxic, it’s worth replacing.

    If the ingredients are not listed on a product or online, that is definitely a red flag and you may want to consider replacing it with a safe alternative.

  2. Set your standard.

    Now that you’ve used the Think Dirty App, set your standard. Determine what scores you’re comfortable with and what scores you’re going to avoid. The lowest scores are the ‘cleanest’, so the closer to zero, the safer the product. I personally try to avoid using any products that are higher than 3, because there is no product worth comprising health for! You may decide 3 is your limit, or you may decide it’s 5. Whatever your standard is, commit to it.

  3. It might seem overwhelming to think of replacing the products you use and love, (especially if you’ve discovered that the majority of them are toxic like I did!) but take it one product at a time and enjoy the process, knowing that each clean product you choose is significantly reducing your daily exposure to unnecessary toxins that wreak havoc on your health.

    Prioritize with these 3 things in mind: products that are the most toxic/have the worst ratings, products that cover the largest surface area, and products you use most frequently.

  4. Replace them as you go.

    Transitioning to natural and nontoxic beauty is just that, a transition. Don’t let yourself get stressed over having to find all new products at once. You can either decide to replace one toxic product each week/month or, simply replace your products one at a time, as you need them. This makes the process more affordable, enjoyable, and exciting!


    Already enjoying the library? Awesome! Access the library here and use the password I sent you to login!

    Each and every choice you make for your health has greater impact than you realize!

What products are you going to swap first? Have you used the ThinkDirty App or SkinDeep Database? I’m excited to hear about your transition to natural and nontoxic beauty!

Sources and Further Reading:The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics: International Laws

Food and Drug Administration: FDA Authority Over Cosmetics, Labeling and Label Claims

The Environmental Working Group: Why This Matters- Cosmetics and your Health

Think Dirty: Shop CleanDr. Mercola: Toxic Chemicals in Cosmetics

Breast Cancer Fund: Making Cosmetics Safe

Hannah is the founder and health educator at Healthfully Hannah, empowering women to live healthfully through science-based, step-by-step guidance. Read Hannah’s personal health journey that led her to discover the power of Functional Medicine and Nutrition. Feel free to send Hannah a message here.

Looking for more? Don’t miss out on the private Facebook community, where you can ask questions, share ideas, and receive support from hundreds of like-minded women on this journey. I can’t wait to see you in

the group!

Original article and pictures take http://healthfullyhannah.com/how-to-transition-to-natural-beauty-free-worksheet-checklist/ site

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