воскресенье, 20 августа 2017 г.

How to Shave your Legs Less Often

How to Shave your Legs Less Often
How to Shave your Legs Less Often - Remedy Land

In summertime, for women, it’s really exhausting to keep legs smooth and hairless. Visiting beauty salons is way too expensive so we end up shaving much too often than we want. That becomes tedious and monotonous, full time job. What we really need is the way to spend less time shaving and more time enjoying results. For that purpose, we have some great advices and home remedies how to shave less.

Why ladies are grooming their lady parts?

Sugar scrub home remedy

  • When we shave legs, razor gets clogged with dead skin cells, hence strands are not shaved close to skin which will develop the need to shave very soon again. To save one shaving, rather spend time exfoliating skin before using the razor. Wet the cotton glows, put sugar on them and rub your legs to remove all the dead skin and impurities. Skin will get smooth and along with dead cells removal, the smaller hairs will get exposed to razor too allowing closer shave. Another good effect is that skin becomes less exposed to irritations so we can avoid redness and itchiness after shave.

Shave only warm, hydrated skin

  • When skin is warm and hydrated, in a bath or a shower, risk of irritation from shaving will be minimal. Strands of hair become also soft and stand against the skin. Skin and har will be prepared for shaving and razor will smoother slide because of the moisture and heat and will be easier to shave closer.

shave legs less
How to shave your legs less

Always use lubricant for smooth shaving

  • Make sure to always use lubricant for shave. It doesn’t have to be expensive product, doesn’t even have to be product specifically intended for shaving. Men were shaving long before shaving products are invented. Glycerin soap, baby shampoo, hair regenerator, liquid soap or even dishwasher liquid will lubricate skin and let razor slide smoothly. Plain old soap stick will do the trick too. Just don’t ever shave without lubricant.

Shave opposite of hair growth

  • The trick for closest possible shave is to shave against of the hair growth. This will give you more time before next shaving is required. This way, skin is more exposed to cuts so be sure that skin is properly prepared for shaving which means exfoliated, warm, hydrated and lubricated.

Use stop-growth lotion soya home remedy

  • The home remedy to help inhibit hairs from growing is soya. Use soya lotion to rub into your legs every day. Skin on legs will be hydrated and time between two shavings will be increased.

Wax your legs from time to time

  • Once in a while wax your legs to prolong time without shaving. Waxing can be painful, but it is also good for your skin, because waxing removes dead cells thoroughly and remember: exfoliating is very important for long lasting hairless period.

Sugar syrup home remedy

Instead of wax, you can use sugar syrup. It’s easy to make, just make sure to use it on right temperature, when is cooled enough but still sticky.

  • Take two cups of sugar and two cups of water and heat. When syrup starts to boil, add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Let it boil until gets color of honey. When syrup cools down enough to not burn your skin, apply it on skin with ice-cream stick, in the direction of hair growth. Put peace of firm cotton fabric above to stick on syrup, letting the end of the cotton tape to hang below syrup. Take that end and pull upward fast and without hesitation. Yes, it can hurt, but legs will be hairless for two to three weeks.

Use hair conditioner for smooth shaving

  • We already mentioned hair conditioner for smooth shaving. But conditioner deserves a special place. Invest money into big bottle of hair conditioner instead expensive shaving cream and you will save money with the same results. Skin will be soft and moisturized during shaving and after shaving, smooth feeling will persist and skin will have healthy look.

Choose best razor for your skin

  • We can all sometimes be confused by large choice of razors. They are produced with multiple blades, with moisturizing strip, and they can be disposable or long lasting. Try different ones until you find the one right for your skin. Multiple blades are for the best results and take those with moisturizing strips if you skin is sensitive and dry.

Razor care is important too, keep it clean

  • Take good care of razor. Clean it every time. If looks rough or dull, replace with new one. Good, clean razor will do job quickly and clean, shave will be close to skin and last longer.

Change razor often

  • Each time razor is used, blade becomes less
    sharp. Make sure to use disposable razors only once, and if you use cartridges, then change them in accordance with the instructions.

Avoid carbs to shave less

  • Our diet has impact on hair growth. Carbs in diet can promote hair growth. Well, if on summer time, we have so much fruits and vegetables all around. Eat more vegetables and avoid carbs, especially refined ones. Body will get healthier and shave can be less frequent.

Use brush on legs to shave less often

  • Use brush made from natural fibers to brush your legs. If you are not sure how they look like, take a look at a barber shop and you’ll see the soft and handy brushes. Use them to distribute shaving lubricant over your legs.

Avoid shaving in the morning

  • During the day and evening, skin will be tighter, unlike the morning, when skin can be relaxed and swollen. On the taut skin, the hair will be out have entire length above the skin, and shave will be closer.

Skin care after shave

  • Remember that your freshly shaved skin needs tender, loving and care. Gently dry legs put some anti-inflammatory moisturizer. Don’t rub it with towel and don’t apply heavy creams and makeup the can cause irritation.

Have our own razor to be only yours

  • Never borrow razor from anyone. Even the smallest cut can be the risk of blood transmitted diseases from fresh blood on the blade. Razors are not for share just like tooth brushes.

Shaving for the first time?

Prepare: new razor, shaving lubricant warm bath or shower.

  • Wash your skin with warm water and soap, best if all dead cells are removed with some exfoliator like we suggested sugar at the top of the page. Apply shaving lubricant on your skin. Shave in the directions of the hair growth first and then second time, you can shave in direction opposite of the grains for closest shave. After shave, apply some light moisturizer on the skin.

Right way to hold razor

  • Put the index finger on the back of the razor, hold firmly but not too tight. Lean razor at an angle to the skin, gently press and pull the blade to glide over your skin.

Ingrown hairs care

  • Exfoliation is the best way to avoid ingrown hair. Scrub your skin daily, whenever you are in shower or bath. If your skin is prone to ingrown hairs, consider to consult your dermatologist for medications.

Parts of the body that shouldn’t be shaved

  • The bikini line is part of the body where you should avoid shaving. Try to use wax option for this area or the body.

Original article and pictures take http://www.remedyland.com/2015/02/shave-legs-less.html site

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