воскресенье, 20 августа 2017 г.

How To Select The Best Skin Care Products For Your Routine

How To Select The Best Skin Care Products For Your Routine

If you have ever taken a stroll down the skin care aisle at any major store, you have likely been confronted with an astounding number of options. There are products for every conceivable skin condition and type, at price points that go from worryingly inexpensive to unbelievably expensive.

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How can the average person figure out what the best skin care products are from the staggering number available? Well, with a few key points to keep in mind, you can soon be able to pick out the quality products and pass by the ones simply out to make a quick buck off the uninformed buyer.

First, it is important to determine your skin type. What works great for normal skin could exacerbate oily skin or cause dry skin to become even more dried out. Fortunately, it is quite easy to determine what type of skin you have. Gently pat your face with blotting paper or a single ply of tissue paper. There are 3 primary areas to focus on. With one sheet, blot your forehead, and then down the bridge of your nose.

This is known as your T-section. Use another on your cheeks, and another on your chin. After blotting, hold each sheet of paper up to a source of light. If the sheet is transparent, it has picked up a great deal of oil. No oil on any sheets indicates you may have dry skin. Oil present only on the forehead/nose indicates normal or combination skin. Oil on every sheet means that you likely have oily skin.

Dry Skin

If you have dry skin, the best skin care products to look for will be ones that provide moisture. Products aimed at oily and sometimes even combination skin are designed to lower the amount of oil on your face. If you are already dry, it could cause the problem to become worse.

Aloe is a good ingredient to look for in your skin care products. This natural substance soothes and moisturizes tight and dry skin. Coconut oil, olive oil, and avocado oil are also helpful and all-natural. If you want to take advantage of the latest scientific breakthroughs in skin care, look for products containing hyaluronic acid or sodium hyaluronate. This chemical plays an important role in the epidermis, and scientists have found a way to isolate it for use in skin care products. It strengthens the cell walls in your skin, helping them to hold in moisture.

Oily Skin

If you have oily skin, avoid products with added oils and other moisturizers. Your skin has more than enough oil production, so adding more will only worsen the problem.

Look for salicylic acid in your skin products. This chemical is often used in acne products due to it’s ability to penetrate the oily layer of your skin and deliver a true cleansing experience. Products containing citrus are also great at cutting through the oil.

Beauty Care

Normal or Combination Skin

For normal and combination skin types, you can be a bit freer with your skin care choices. Look for products that specifically state they are for normal/combination skin. They have a balance of ingredients that are neither too drying nor too oily. If you are prone to acne or blemishes in your T-zone,

look for products that can be selectively applied. For example, creams and pads that you can use only on your problem areas, so you don’t dry out the areas without the excess oil.

Original article and pictures take http://ohskincare.net/how-to-select-the-best-skin-care-products-for-your-routine/?imgid=130674826661638468 site

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