воскресенье, 20 августа 2017 г.

How to Remove Plaque the Natural Way

How to Remove Plaque the Natural Way
Be Your Own Dentist! Easy Tricks for Plaque Removal At Home

How to Remove Plaque the Natural Way

Having plaque on your teeth can not only be unsightly, but it can be unhealthy. Although many anti-plaque products exist on the commercial market, many of them are laden with nasty chemicals. Do you want an all-natural alternative to fluoride rinses and lab-made toothpastes and mouthwashes? You’re in luck! There are several ways to get rid of plaque or prevent it from forming without having to rely on man-made chemicals.

What is Plaque?

Plaque is an invisible substance that gathers onto the teeth when we eat or drink. It is comprised of food debris, bacteria and bacterial waste, and most of it can be removed with regular oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing the teeth every day.

Dental checkups and professional teeth cleaning can help with removing the plaque that normal brushing and flossing can’t reach.

What is Tartar?

Tartar is what can happen when plaque goes untreated.

Tartar is a hard, mineral build-up that is not removable except at a dentist’s office using specialized instruments. For this reason, it’s imperative to take care of plaque before it turns into a tartar problem.

How Plaque Hurts

When plaque builds up, it can cause bacterial infections in the mouth that often require antibiotic treatment.

When it is left unchecked and becomes tartar, it may cause the gums to recede, leading to bone loss and gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis that require advanced treatments in a dentist’s office. Poor oral hygiene can also cause demineralization in the tooth structure and lead to the appearance of white spots on teeth.

If you suffer from a mild form of gingivitis, you can find home remedies in my article on how to treat gum infection (gingivitis) naturally.

Home Remedies for Removing and Preventing Plaque Build-Up

The good news is, plaque problems can be nipped in the bud by using one or more of the following simple (and best of all, natural) techniques.

Baking soda and salt

Time-tested and even recommended by dentists, using a baking soda and salt mixture in your daily brushing can help eliminate plaque without resorting to harsh abrasives.

  • Simply mix together 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1/2 teaspoon of salt into a small bowl.
  • Dip a wet toothbrush into the mixture and scrub the teeth with this mixture.
  • Spit periodically and dip the toothbrush into the mixture and continue to scrub your teeth for a few minutes to be plaque-free!

An apple a day keeps the plaque away

Noshing on an apple or a few slices of melon after a meal can help to eliminate plaque in a natural (and delicious) way.It cleans your teeth naturally by removing food leftovers on your teeth and keeps the gums healthy.

Oral hygiene doesn’t have to be foul-tasting, and can, in fact, be just like dessert when you use this method!

Orange peel method

Rub the inside (white part) of an orange peel on the surface of your teeth for about two minutes before brushing your teeth.

The orange peel contains vitamin C which helps to prevent plaque build-up and helps whiten the teeth. Polishing your teeth with an orange peel is a plaque-fighting remedy that smells really good too! You can find other uses for citrus peels in my article 15 amazing uses for citrus and banana peels.

Sesame seed scrub

Grab a teaspoon of sesame seeds and grind them up with your teeth. Then, brush the leftover particles with a dry toothbrush. The ground-up bits of sesame seed will act as a gentle (and tasty) abrasive to clear and polish the surface of the teeth of plaque.

Coconut oil paste

Using more coconut oil in your daily routine is one of the 70 habits featured in my e-book 70 Powerful Habits For A Great Health and I’ve already written about why you should start using coconut as a toothpaste. You can harness the power of coconut oil in many ways, including those which are beneficial to your teeth.

Simply measure out two tablespoons each of virgin (unrefined) coconut oil and baking soda into a bowl (you can also add a few drops of your chosen essential oil, such as peppermint essential oil if you want). Dip a toothbrush into the paste and brush as usual for a nice, natural toothpaste that is effective against tartar and plaque formation.

Fruits rich in vitamin C

By eating and even brushing with fruits rich in vitamin C, you can stave off plaque and maintain better health overall.

Not only does vitamin C boost the immune system and allow your body to naturally fight off potential oral infections, brushing with crushed strawberries, for example, is a deliciously decadent way to effectively remove plaque!

Oil pulling

The Ayurvedic method of oil pulling is a time-tested method for mouth cleanliness and is a wonderful way to maintain a clean mouth that is plaque-free. You can find detailed information about oil pulling and how to do it in my previous article why you should start oil pulling today.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a common medicinal herb that has many healing properties and is also featured in my e-book the Herbal Remedies Guide.

Similar to its use on skin, aloe vera is used to cleanse and soothe teeth and gums. A small study published in the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology evaluated aloe vera for clinical parameters such as plaque and gingival index. The results showed improvement in plaque and periodontal conditions.

The healing and preventative powers of aloe vera gel can also be used for maintaining a clean mouth. Sprinkle some aloe vera gel on your toothbrush and brush your teeth for a few minutes to keep tartar under control.

Hydrogen peroxide mouthwash

The antiseptic properties of hydrogen peroxide can be used for oral health.

Try making a mouthwash and rinsing and gargling with a hydrogen

peroxide mixture once per day: mix 3 parts water or prepared mouthwash with 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and swish between teeth for a full minute each day.

This helps remove plaque and loosen tartar deposits, as well as acting as an astringent for the gums and teeth whitener. Hydrogen peroxide is a versatile substance and you can find more uses for it in my article about 11 amazing uses for hydrogen peroxide.

Further tips for Preventing Plaque Build-Up

Brush regularly and effectively—use vertical motions and a soft-bristled brush. Brush each tooth and pay attention to the hard to reach teeth at the back.

Don’t ever neglect flossing—once per day is fine, twice per day is ideal.

Drink enough water after each meal to wash out any food particles in your mouth.

Visit periodically your dentist for checkup and teeth cleaning.

Read my other articles about oral health:

1. How To Use Eggshells to Remineralize Your Teeth

2. Why You Should Start Using Coconut Oil as a Toothpaste

3. How to Whiten Your Teeth In 3 Minutes at Home

Original article and pictures take http://www.healthyandnaturalworld.com/how-to-remove-plaque-the-natural-way/ site

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