воскресенье, 20 августа 2017 г.

how to pore strips

how to pore strips

DIY pore strips are so easy! You know those Biore pore strips you buy at the drugstore for about $12 a pop? Yeah, those. Today I’m going to teach you how to make your own homemade pore strips.

make your own pore strips

Why? Because:

  1. I’m obsessed with beauty products
  2. I’m obsessed with cheap
  3. Homemade {mostly} = cheap. Mostly.
  4. Cheap Beauty = HAPPY Allison

Ready? Ready.

make your own pore strips

Pore Strips Ingredients:

  • 1 Tablespoon unflavored gelatin
  • 1 1/2- 2 Tablespoons Milk {any kind}

Dudes, 2 ingredients and your pores will look like magic. What’s not to love?

homemade pore strips

  1. Measure 1 Tablespoon of Knox Unflavored Gelatin – 8 oz unflavored gelatin into a disposable container {if you put say, green jell-o on your face, there might be trouble}
  2. Add 1-2 Tablespoons of milk into the gelatin
  3. Until it looks like this
  4. Mix it up, and be quick about it, until you get a chunky consistency. Add more milk if you’re uncomfortable with the amount of chunk.

Microwave the gelatin for about 10-15 seconds. It will get creamier in the microwave. Stir that around and start applying it IMMEDIATELY to your face. This stuff hardens up fast so you’ve got to act fast.

do it yourself pore strips
This is pre-pore strip. Wash your face before you apply.

DIY pore strips



I chose to put the stuff all over my face because I have thirty-year-old acne. You can put it wherever your little heart desires. You need to act fast though, because this stuff turns to gelatin pronto. I know I’ve said that three times already, but I really mean it.

homemade facial


Let it dry for about 15+ minutes. I waited longer, but you’ll know it’s time when you can’t talk for fear of breaking something.

pore strips
Grab whatever you can and start peeling. This is the gross/fun part.

pore strips
It’s a good thing you can’t see
the photo all that well. Do this until you’re all peeled and your face will feel like a baby’s bottom.

Clean, practically hairless, with clean, dirt-free pores.

Original article and pictures take http://petitelefant.com/how-to-pore-strips/ site

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