Before I got started, I set up a makeshift double boiler with the sauce pan filled about halfway with water and placed a shallow glass bowl on top. I turned the stove on medium-low heat.
I then measured out 3 - 4 oz of cocoa butter and Shea butter using my Polder kitchen scale. I don't think it's quite necessary to use exactly the same amount of butters when making this lotion bar.
I placed the butters in my makeshift double boiler and they slowly started to melt. I wouldn't worry about mixing the butters while they are melting because they do a pretty good job of melting evenly on their own.
While the butters were melting on the stovetop, I ground the rice and coco almonds in my NutriBullet. I decided to make this batch with rougher exfoliants by having bigger pieces of rice and almonds. You have to remember that these are the pieces that will fall off in your shower or sink so be prepared to wash them down the drain. For my next batch I will grind everything into small pieces since by then my skin will not need as much exfoliation.
When the butters are melted, carefully pour them into a smaller container like a glass measuring cup. This will make it easier to pour the mixture into the molds. Add the dry ingredients to the melted butters and mix. At first, the heavier dry ingredients like the almonds will fall to the bottom and the rice will float to the top. The mixture is NOT ready until everything is even. If after you stir everything and there is a layer of butters at the top, the mixture is not ready. You can speed

When the mixture has cooled enough and everything is even, pour it into your choice of molds. I used basic soap molds and a silicone tray mold to make smaller pieces for the kitchen sink.
I keep the mini cubes by my kitchen sink since when I'm in the kitchen I'm constantly washing my hands. My knuckles and cuticles dry out terribly in the winter and these lotion bars are exactly what they need!
Original article and pictures take http://www.whatroseknows.com/1-27-2016/DIY-InShower-Exfoliating-Lotion-Bar-/ site
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