воскресенье, 20 августа 2017 г.

All Natural Hair Removal

All Natural Hair Removal

  • To remove facial hair naturally, mix raw honey and lemon juice. I use about 1 tbs of honey and 1 tsp of lemon. Leave on face for 15 m. This process does take a few days BUT the lemon will bleach your hair until it is removed! The honey also has anti-septic and moisturizing qualities!

  • Original article and pictures take http://www
    .trusper.com/tips/All-Natural-Hair-Removal/11547313?u=MTM5NjkxOTYwMHwyfHB0fDIwMTAzNjR8MTE1NDczMTN8MjAxNDA0MTYtMDcwMA site

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