воскресенье, 20 августа 2017 г.

25 Amazing Ways To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair

25 Amazing Ways To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair
25 Amazing Ways To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair

Ways To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair

Hairs which grow from the scalp are always welcome, but many of us face the problem of ingrown hairs i.e. hairs that have curled up and grown back into the skin instead of rising up. Commonly called razor bumps, ingrown hairs look like a little pimple, a red bump which is raised on the skin. Sometimes, there is pus inside the bump. To cut it short, ingrown hair can become irritating and embarrassing, and demand immediate attention. Let us know the causes first.

What Causes Ingrown Hair?

No matter how careful you are with shaving or waxing, one inevitable thing which is bound to happen is ingrown hair. Not only do they cause bumps, and redness, they can also hurt like hell, at times.

Here are five things that can aggravate ingrown hair and what you can do to avoid them:

  1. When you have naturally coarse or curly hair: There are certain hair types which are prone to ingrown hairs. So you should avoid pulling out hair from your skin with tweezers or using your finger nails, as that can lead to infection. Use alcohol swab, and tweezers which are sterilised prior to using them in order to remove ingrown hair.
  2. When you are wearing tight clothing: Tight clothing might make you stay in the fashion role but it is a wrong notion. Skinny jeans, nylon leggings, polyester underwear can breed infection. So make it a point to wear cotton clothing in private parts which are easily breathable and won’t rub against the skin.
  3. Scraping your skin while shaving: When you are shaving your legs, sometimes you can be holding the razor too close to the skin of your legs. This can happen when your razor is dull and worn out, which can stimulate irritation and lead to ingrown hairs. The best way to overcome this problem is going for waxing because it does not break the hair. At the time of shaving, use a thick and good shaving gel and a sharp razor. As a thumb rule, a razor should be used not more than 6-8 times. A fresh blade goes that extra mile in preventing ingrown hair to razor burns.
  4. Shaving or Waxing in the wrong direction: Be sure to lather the shaving area well in the direction of the hair growth before you shave or get the area shaved by salon professionals. You can use a pre-shave creme or gel to soften the stubble.
  5. Scratching or picking at the ingrown hair in the pubic area: Avoid doing this at all costs since it will end up aggravating the sensitive area all the more, by causing an infection or leaving a scar.

Now let us take a look at the symptoms that can lead to ingrown hair.

Symptoms For Ingrown Hair

The most commons areas in females where ingrown hairs are found are legs, armpits, and pubic area. Here’s how you can know if you have hair ingrowth:

  • Small, rounded bumps (called papules)
  • Small, pus-filled, blister-like lesions (called pustules)
  • Pain in the affected ingrown area
  • Itching in the affected place
  • Skin darkening (or hyperpigmentation)
  • Embedded hairs

Yes, all these might sound nasty when you are down with them. However, you can get rid of this pesky problem of ingrown hair by adopting the following remedies.

How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair

There are various solutions and techniques which help you in saying goodbye to ingrown hair. Let us take them one by one.

Essential Oils For Ingrown Hair

You can always rely on essential oils to combat the problem of ingrown hair.

1. Tea Tree Oil

This type of essential oil has antiseptic properties which prevent infection caused by ingrown hair and heals the skin.

  • How to use: Take a cotton ball and apply some tea tree oil.
  • Why this works: This helps the ingrown hair to come out from beneath the skin thereby preventing further growth of ingrown hair.
  • Where: The applicable body parts are chin, underarms, arms, legs or thighs, face, pimples, pubic hair.
  • Tip: You can also dilute the tea tree oil with few teaspoons of water and apply it to the affected area once you have cleaned it. Alternatively, you can mix 3 tbsp of tea tree oil with 1 tbsp olive oil and massage the affected area. Let it stay for 10-15 minutes and then wash off the affected area troubled by the ingrown hair with lukewarm water. Keep doing this remedy 3-4 times a day for a few days.

Tea Tree Oil

2. Castor Oil

  • How to use: Apply a thick layer of castor oil to the ingrown hair by using a cotton ball. After a gap of 15 minutes, wipe off the area with a wet wash cloth. Repeat this 2-3 times a day to get best results.
  • Why this works: The castor oil mask opens the pores and releases pus and pressure.
  • When and where: Apply it on the areas where you are facing the trouble of ingrown hair such as face, underarms and arms, legs, pubic hair.

3. Lavender Oil

  • How to use: Mix 7 drops of lavender oil with 3 tbsp coconut oil and 12 drops of tea tree oil. Apply a thick layer of it on the ingrown hair. After a few minutes, wipe it off using a wet wash cloth. Repeat this twice a day.
  • Why this works: Lavender oil eases the ingrown hair plus it has a wonderful smell too.
  • Where: Same suggestions apply as mentioned in the above two essential oils.

Lavender Oil

Now that we have seen the importance of essential oils in treating ingrown hair, let us find out alternative methods which would be equally beneficial. We will start with the homemade scrubs.

Ingrown Hair Scrub

It is nice to have another tool to tackle the problem of ingrown hair and scrubs fill in the need pretty well. Let us see the kind of scrubs available to say goodbye to ingrown hair.

4. Sugar Scrub

This is a great scrub for treating ingrown hair.

  • How to use: Mix 1 cup white sugar with half cup of extra virgin olive oil, 10 drops each of tea tree oil and lavender essential oil. Apply this homemade scrub on the ingrown hair area. Scrub the skin in circular motions for a while and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Tip: Store the scrub in an airtight container for future applications.

Sugar Scrub

5. Oatmeal Scrub

  • How to use: Mix ground oatmeal, yogurt, and honey in equal measures. Apply this exfoliating scrub on the affected area and leave it for half an hour. Now wash it off with cold water to lukewarm water. Repeat it for a week.
  • Why this works: Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties which work as a soothing agent for affected skin.

Oatmeal Scrub

6. Coffee And Yogurt Scrub

  • How to use: Add 2 tbsp ground coffee to 1/4 cup of plain yogurt. You can also add 1 tbsp of coconut oil. Now add the juice of half of lemon and mix it well. Apply it on ingrown hair and rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Why this works: Yogurt, as you know, works wonders on the skin by soothing inflamed skin. And Ground coffee is perfect to stop anti-ageing, given the fact that it loosens the hair.

Coffee And Yogurt Scrub

7. Sea Salt

This is an all-purpose remedy when it comes to treating ingrown hair.

  • How to use: Make a paste of water and sea salt and using a cotton ball apply it to the affected area. After 10-15 minutes, wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy twice daily to get best results.
  • Why this works: Sea Salt not only exfoliates the skin, it ups the blood circulation, reducing swelling and boosting the healing process.
  • Tip: If your skin is salt-sensitive, then do not try this tip.

Sea Salt

Now that we have seen oils and scrubs, there is a nice alternative in herbs when it comes to treating the pesky problem of ingrown hairs.

Herbs for Ingrown Hairs

Nature always presents itself as a time-tested friend that stays by your side whenever you are down with health or beauty problems. Here are some chosen herbs that treat ingrown hair from the roots.

8. Aloe Vera

This miracle plant is not just great for beauty and hair, it is equally helpful in treating ingrown hair.

  • How to use: Just apply the gel of aloe vera on the ingrown hair. Let it stay for half an hour. Now wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Why this works: Leaves of aloe vera plant are used in topical creams in order to reduce razor bumps and ingrown hair. Plus aloe vera gives instant relief from skin redness, inflammation and itching, at the same time moisturizes the skin and speeds up the healing process.

9. Witch Hazel

This miracle plant is not just great for beauty and hair, it is equally helpful in treating ingrown hair.

  • How to use: Put a cotton ball in the extract of witch hazel plant
  • Why this works:
    Leaves of aloe vera plant are used in topical creams in order to reduce razor bumps and ingrown hair. Plus aloe vera gives instant relief from skin redness, inflammation and itching, at the same time moisturizes the skin and speeds up the healing process.

Witch Hazel

Wait a minute. There are exfoliating agents too which come to your aid in treating ingrown hair.

Ingrown Hair Exfoliator

No beauty treatment is complete without exfoliation. Here are some exfoliation remedies that meet the task of treating ingrown hair well.

10. Milk and Bread

This is a good exfoliator which helps bring out the ingrown hair by loosening them.

  • How to use: Soak a bread piece in warm milk. Thereafter, put it on the ingrown hair. You can also use a band aid to help it stick to the area for a while. Repeat this until you find the hair loop coming out of the skin. Now pull it off with a sterilised needle.

Milk and Bread

11. Baking Soda

  • How to use: Mix baking soda with water and make a concentrated solution of it. Apply it on the area with ingrown hair with a cotton ball. After 5-10 minutes, wash it off using lukewarm water.
  • Why this works: Baking soda prevents ingrown hair due to its anti-inflammatory properties and soothing effects. It also reduces itching and redness.
  • Tip: You can also make a homemade scrub using baking soda, water, and ground oatmeal.

Baking Soda
12. Cucumber

  • How to use: Cut the refrigerated cucumber into slices. Put them on the affected area.
  • Why this works: The refreshing cucumber cools the skin bumps. Plus it is very hydrating for the skin (I hope you know the hydrating effect cucumber slices brings on the eyes) and gives relief from itchiness.
  • Tip: Do this simple remedy every day till you find the symptoms of ingrown hair subside for good.


13. Lemon Juice

  • How to use: Cut a lemon piece into half and squeeze the juice. Now apply this lemon juice on the affected area having ingrown hair and wait till it dries off. Then wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • Tip: Should you be having sensitive skin, then do not try this remedy as lemon juice might cause skin reactions.

Lemon Juice

14. Potato Peel

  • How to use: First of all, peel a potato. Now apply its fleshy inner side on the affected area. If need be, use a band-aid to secure the peel in the area. Let it rest for 24 hours.
  • Why this works: The potato peel is pretty effective in bringing out the ingrown hair on the surface.
  • Tip: Raw potato peels have been found to have antioxidant properties in treating the ingrown hair.

Potato Peel

15. Honey

  • How to use: Apply honey to the area with ingrown hair. Allow it to air dry for 10 minutes. Now rinse it off with cold water.
  • Why this works: Honey is blessed with anti-bacterial properties which prevent the affected part from getting further infected. Also, honey has moisturizing properties which reduce swelling.
  • Tip: Go in for raw unprocessed honey which is more effective than processed honey.


16. Apple Cider Vinegar

  • How to use: Get a cotton ball and dunk it in few drops of ACV. Apply it on the affected area. Let the skin absorb it. Then wash off the area with lukewarm water. Do it twice daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar

17. Warm Compress

  • How to use: Press a cloth, suitably dipped in warm water, on the area with ingrown hair. When the cloth begins to cool down, dip it in warm water again and then use the same process of the application on ingrown hair.
  • Why this works: The trapped hair will begin to break through the skin surface, making the task of getting rid of ingrown hair easier.

Warm Compress

18. Turmeric

Haldi is a tried and tested remedy to get rid of pain and inflammation.

  • How to use: Mix turmeric with water and apply it to the ingrown hair.
  • Why this works: Turmeric kills the bacteria, helps fade the marks on the skin and heals inflamed bumps.


19. Black Tea Bags

The tannic acid in black tea bags helps in soothing the inflamed skin as a result of ingrown hair.

  • How to use: Moisten a tea bag with warm water. Now rub it on the ingrown hair for 3-4 minutes. Do this twice a day to get best results.

Black Tea Bags

20. Egg Shell Membrane

  • How to use: Peel off the delicate membrane from the inside of a cracked eggshell. Now cover the ingrown hair with it. Let it dry for a few minutes. Now pull the dry egg membrane from your skin.
  • Why this works: The ingrown hair which has been made loose after the application of egg shell membrane will now come out easily.

Egg Shell Membrane

21. Coffee

  • How to use: To a quarter cup of coffee grounds, add a cup of lukewarm water and make it into a fine paste. Rub it on the ingrown hair in circular motions. Then wash it off with water.
  • Why this works: Coffee’s acidity helps in loosening the ingrown hair.


22. Cornstarch

Cornstarch has similar properties to ingrown hair treatment using baking soda.

  • How to use: Make a fine paste out of cornstarch and water. Apply it on the affected region.
  • Why this works: This technique reduces the inflammation and swelling caused by the pesky ingrown hair.


For those of you who prefer faster solutions in treating ingrown hair, there are ample ways to go about it.

23. Ingrown Hair Solution

There is Nad’s Ingrow Solution with Aloe Vera and Chamomile. It minimizes the growth of ingrown hairs and soothes the redness and inflammation caused by razor bumps and shaving rash.

Ingrown Hair Solution

The field of Allopathy is there to meet the problem of ingrown hairs, in case you do not want to go the herbal and Ayurvedic way.

24. Ingrown Hair Medication

A big salute to salicylic acid in aspirin, as it loosens the ingrown hair.

  • How to use: Dissolve 2 aspirin in water and make a fine paste out of it. Add some honey to the aspirin paste and apply it to the ingrown hair. Let it rest for 10 minutes and then wash off with warm water.
  • Why this works: Aspirin treats inflammation and redness which happens due to ingrown hair.
  • Tip: Make sure to do a skin test before applying this remedy as it might not go well with those of you down with highly sensitive skin.

Ingrown Hair Medication

Hello, don’t forget the serums that do away with the dreadful process of removing ingrown hair.

25. Ingrown Hair Serum

Those of you who use wax or do laser might face a bump in your problem areas. A serum helps you get smooth skin. Check out European Wax Center Ingrown Hair Serum (Dump the Bumps) 1.7 oz. You can use it anywhere to prevent those annoying ingrown hairs. It keeps irritation and ingrown hairs at bay.

Ingrown Hair Serum

While I have talked about medications, solutions, and home remedies, I would not like to ignore yet another critical issue of ingrown hair bump.

Hair plucking is always an option to treat ingrown hair so try out a tweezer.

Ingrown Hair Products

Tweezers: Help you put a stop to ingrown hairs.

  • How to use: First of all, sterilize the tweezer before using it. Once you have done your warm compress when the ingrown hair lies close to the skin, gently pull the hair above.
  • Tip: Avoid plucking the hair as it can get to be painful. You can even use a sterilized needle in order to pull out the hair loop above the skin.

Ingrown Hair Products

Dealing with ingrown hairs can be a nuisance. So you need to be careful in using shaving methods like razor.

Ingrown Hair Bump Treatment

Before you use a razor in the pubic region, you need to first treat it as that will decrease the risk of hair ingrowth when the hair grows back.

Using a mild soap, you will have to first wash your skin and then, use a lubricating shave gel or cream, one that’s designed for sensitive areas, when shaving.

Let us find out the tips for ingrown hair in mustache area.

Ingrown Moustache Hair Treatment

Men are men, and a mustache is so much needed. But the pride is hurt a bit when men develop ingrown mustache hair. Here are some ways to tackle this problem.

  • Each time you shave you should use a sharp single blade razor.
  • Shave in the direction that the facial hairs are growing.
  • Before shaving wet your skin with warm water. Always use a lubricating gel or cream.
  • When you are using an electric razor, hold it a wee bit above the skin while shaving.

Ingrown Moustache Hair Treatment
A checklist on precautions would be best. So here are some for you to follow.


Following are the precautions you need to take while addressing the problem of ingrown hair.

  • Keep your skin moisturised well before you use any of the ingrown hair home remedies.
  • Use a pair of tweezers or sterilised straight pin in order to life the ingrown hair.
  • Before shaving, exfoliation and scrubbing of the skin is a must in order to remove dust particles.
  • While shaving, do not put too much of pressure. Also, do not allow the skin to stretch much.

Ingrown Moustache Hair Treatments

  • Remove ingrown hair only when you notice the hair tip above the skin. Once you are through with the removal process, apply antiseptic ointment on the skin as a follow-up.
  • Do not shave the skin for upto 4 weeks after you have removed ingrown hair.
  • To minimise irritation, women should not use hair removing creams for upto 2 weeks.
  • Stay away from wearing tight clothes, on the areas where you have ingrown hair.
  • When it comes to shaving, do not use old razors and blades. Use fresh razors with a single blade.
  • Women should give first preference to waxing more than shaving since the former is a hygienic process.

Most of you would be having some basic questions on ingrown hair. Let us address them.


  • What To Put On Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair appears mostly on legs, beard area, pubic zone, bikini area. So moisturise the ingrown hairs as you need to soften the skin. Secondly, you need to exfoliate and scrub the skin before shaving.

  • Why Do We Get Ingrown Hairs

This is a condition where hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin and is mostly found in people who have coarse or curly hair.

I hope you have got your answers to treating the pesky issue of ingrown hair. If you have any more remedies to share, do write in.

Images Source: pinterest

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Original article and pictures take http://www.fashionlady.in/simple-home-remedies-to-get-rid-of-ingrown-hair/13811 site

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