воскресенье, 20 августа 2017 г.

21 Ways You Can Hack Your Health With Science!

21 Ways You Can Hack Your Health With Science!

Steam Out The Smokes

Steam Out The Smokes

Smoking is one of the most unhealthy habits you can adapt, but you can make it a lot easier to naturally quit with a little help from the sauna. Go to the sauna three days in a row after you've stopped smoking. On the third day, you'll have sweated out all the nicotine, which is the addictive substance that makes cigarettes so hard to quit. Once the nicotine is out, quitting will be much easier.

Make Your Coffee Healthy With Cinnamon

Make Your Coffee Healthy With Cinnamon

Adding cream and sugar to your coffee makes the drink so much more unhealthy for you. Instead, try adding cinnamon. Not only does cinnamon have fewer calories, but it can also reduce bad cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and triglycerides. Even more, it has antioxidants that help build up your immune system!

Control Your Sleep Schedule

Control Your Sleep Schedule

You've heard it before but it bears repeating: quality sleep is one of the best ways to stay healthy and happy. The key to controlling when you will fall asleep and wake up is all in the timing of your meals. Your body automatically wakes itself up after you eat, so eating before bed is a big mistake. Stop eating during the 12-16 hour period before the time that you want to wake up at and you'll fall asleep and wake up much more easily.

Avoid Running Cramps With Breathing

Avoid Running Cramps With Breathing

You can greatly reduce your risk of getting a cramp after you run just by focusing on how you're breathing. While running, exhale on alternate feet. This prevents you from putting more stress on one side of your body than the other.

Clear Up Migraines With Grape Juice

Clear Up Migraines With Grape Juice

When you're suffering a migraine, you would do anything to get rid of the throbbing pain. Actually, one of the best ways to relieve migraine pain is by drinking grape juice. The antioxidants in grape juice are perfect for dealing with migraine pain.

Use Smaller Plates And Bowls

Use Smaller Plates And Bowls

Trick your brain into thinking you ate to your heart's content even though your meal wasn't as big as you think by eating off of smaller plates or bowls. This method of portion control has been proven to be valid by psychologists, who agree that your brain will see a full small plate as more filling than a half-full large plate, even if they contain the same amount of food.

Work Out Efficiently With Tabata

Work Out Efficiently With Tabata

We're all so very busy nowadays that it can be hard to fit in a full workout each day. Thankfully, Izumi Tabata has developed a regimen to squeeze an entire workout into just 20 minutes. The Tabata method involves brief periods of intense activity followed by brief periods of rest. Many gyms offer Tabata classes, so it should be easy for you to find an instructor.

Stop Unwanted Hair Growth
Want to stop shaving your legs? A mixture of 2 tbsp of coffee grounds and 1 tsp baking soda is perfect to prevent hair growth. Rub it in any area that you don't want hair to grow and the compound will break down hair follicles at the root.

Stop Unwanted Hair Growth

Listerine On Pimples
Waking up to find a pimple on your face is a horror that we've all experienced. Thankfully, as you stare in hopelessness at your bathroom mirror, the solution is actually right next to you. The alcohol in Listerine will dry up the pimple in no time and cause it to fade away.

Listerine On Pimples

Advil Liqui-Gels On Pimples

Advil Liqui-Gels On Pimples

If you don't have Listerine on hand or just want to try another pimple cure, look no further than your medicine cabinet. The liquid inside Advil Liqui-Gels can get rid of pimples as well. Puncture a hole into the capsule with a safety pin and squeeze the liquid over your pimple.

Use TUMS On Mouth Ulcers

Use TUMS On Mouth Ulcers

Ulcers in your mouth can be a serious nuisance, even causing some sufferers to stop eating until the inflammation goes down. Most ulcers are caused by a calcium deficiency, so a quick and easy way to get them to stop bugging you is by placing a TUMS pill over the ulcer and allow it to dissolve. The pain will disappear in no time, and the ulcer itself will go away much faster than normal.

Healthy Chicken Nuggets
You love chicken nuggets, but not all the unhealthy stuff that comes along with them. Surprisingly, you can get the same taste you love while also eating your veggies! Cauliflower dipped in BBQ sauce tastes exactly like chicken nuggets.

Healthy Chicken Nuggets

Swear When In Pain
Strange as it may sound, your potty mouth can actually help you tolerate pain. A lot of us will instinctively swear when we are in pain, and researchers have found that letting out some dirty words actually improves our pain tolerance ability.

Swear When In Pain

Ease A Sore Throat With Marshmallows

Ease A Sore Throat With Marshmallows

You can easily soothe a sore throat with just a few marshmallows. The gelatin in them is great at relieving pain in sensitive areas like the throat. It turns out that the sap from the marshmallow root is amazing for throat pain relief, and drinking marshmallow tea is an even more effective treatment.

Whiten Your Teeth With Strawberries

Whiten Your Teeth With Strawberries

Strawberries contain a natural enzyme called malic acid that can remove stains from teeth. If you want to brighten your smile, mash up a strawberry along with a half teaspoon of baking soda into a paste. Brush it onto your teeth and let it sit for 5 minutes, then rinse it out and brush with toothpaste.

Naturally Grow Out Your Hair

Naturally Grow Out Your Hair

If you're having trouble with thinning hair or hair loss, including more salmon in your diet could be just the thing to encourage a lush and full head of hair. Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential in supporting scalp health.

Gum Up Your Memory

A lot of people have trouble remembering certain things, especially students students during a big test. To better remember information that you will need in the future, chew a piece of flavored gum while you're studying or going over the information. Then, during the test or when you need to recall it, chew the same flavor of gum. The activation of similar tastes and smells helps you remember what you were doing the last time you experienced them.

Toothpaste For Burns

The best way to help a burn heal is actually toothpaste. Apply some of it to your burn and rub it in. The toothpaste will both soothe the pain and also stop the burning.

Improve Sleep With Water

Drinking a lot of water each day is one of the best things you can do for your body, and one of the many benefits of staying hydrated is improved sleep quality. Drinking more water throughout the day means your body has less to do at night, so you can sleep more easily. Also, if you want to have a better chance of remembering your dreams, drinking a half a glass of water before bed and a half a glass when you wake up gives your body a psychological

cue to remember your dreams.

Reduce Cell Phone Radiation

The effects of cell phone radiation on our health is a much-studied area recently, and scientists have found that too much of this radiation could lead to cancer. To be sure your absorbing as little of this radiation as possible, keep your phone fully charged and don't answer it when it's on low battery. When your phone battery is low, it emits radiation 1,000 times stronger than it normally does.

Stay Happy By Keeping A Diary

Keeping a diary is actually a very effective way to keep yourself happy and psychologically healthy. Researchers have found that writing down your emotions and thoughts helps to reduce daily stress. Negative emotions become less powerful once set on paper, and positive emotions once written down will make you feel more grateful.

Original article and pictures take http://www.minq.com/fitness/10185/21-ways-you-can-hack-your-health-with-science#slide/8/0 site

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