I spend as much time as possible at the beach, so I am no stranger to sunburns. My skin is naturally on the darker side thanks to my Italian heritage, and more often than not I develop a nice golden tan rather than a red burn – but I’m most definitely not immune to it. Sunburns are the worst. Not only are they incredibly unhealthy for your skin and your health, but they also hurt, feel uncomfortable, and just generally make everything terrible. If you’ve ever dealt with bright red skin that gives you what I’ve named Sunburn Fever (you’re cold, but your skin is burning), then you know what I’m talking about.
When most of us think about sunburn relief, we instantly think of aloe vera. Aloe is an excellent way to treat your sunburn and get some pain relief, but it’s not the only thing out there! There are so many other natural ways to make a sunburn feel better or to prevent peeling. This stuff is really important to know about because you should never ignore a sunburn. If you act like it’s not there, the pain won’t go away for a while, and it will result in a dry, peeling mess that you can’t even attempt to cover up.
Here are 18 sunburn hacks and tips to relieve pain and hopefully prevent peeling and future damage. Wear sunscreen and stay safe in the sun!
1. Look beyond aloe vera sometimes! You probably have these in your home, and they’ll help relieve pain in a pinch.
2. Pay attention to what’s going on with the sun by keeping on top of the UV index.
3. Frozen aloe vera is much more soothing than warm aloe vera. Make a bunch of aloe ice cubes to use whenever you need them.
4. Out of aloe? Apple cider vinegar works great as well. It might be a little smelly, but it’s great for your skin.
5. If your sunburnt skin is starting to peel, follow these tips:
6. Honey might be sticky, but it’s great for healing sunburns!
7. Teabags are also excellent for sunburns. Steep them for a while, let them cool, then place on skin.
8. In a pinch, mashed up strawberries may give you some relief.
9. Here are some more natural and easy sunburn remedies:
10. When you notice a sunburn

11. Want to take a bath? Add baking soda for a cooling sensation you’ll love.
12. Essential oils are another great way to help with the pain:
13. There are lots of after-sun sprays you can buy… or you can try making your own:
14. You can also try this recipe for more of a gel:
15. Or this one for a cooling lotion:
16. It’s hard to cover up a sunburn with makeup, but if you’re going to attempt it, check this out first:
17. Sunburnt lips are the WORST. Potato juice, aloe vera or milk can relieve some pain.
18. Lastly, always keep these summer skincare tips in mind:
How do you deal with a sunburn? Which of these tips have you tried? What did I forget? Tell me in the comments.
20 beach hacks, tips, and tricks you need to know for the summer
Original article and pictures take http://www.gurl.com/2015/07/29/miracle-hacks-tips-tricks-how-to-relieve-sunburn-pain-peeling/ site
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