A flawless skin remains only a dream, given our hectic lifestyle. To add to that, many other factors like pollution, harmful UV rays from the sun, stress, and improper diet can damage your skin further and give you an imbalanced skin tone. If this wasn’t enough, many of the cosmetic products available in the market these days contain harmful chemicals and additives that cause additional damage to your skin instead of making it healthy and glowing.
The best solution under these circumstances is to use natural ingredients or products that are safe to use. Their benefits are plenty and include skin brightening, balancing your skin tone, reducing blemishes and marks, photo-protection (protection from UV rays), and eliminating harmful bacteria. These remedies will work on your skin naturally and effectively.
We have made your job easy and compiled a list of the best home remedies for skin lightening for you. Keep reading to know how to use these different remedies.
Important Points To Consider
Before you start using the home remedies, it is important to understand that taking care of your skin and protecting it is essential. The skin becomes dull and pigmented mainly due to the accumulation of dead skin cells and damage from pollutants and harmful UV rays.
Cleansing and exfoliating your skin using masks and scrubs will ensure that all the dirt, grime, and impurities are removed along with the dead skin cells. Once cleansed, moisturize your skin to keep it hydrated and nourished. Before you step out in the sun to soak in some vitamin D, it is extremely important to use a good sunscreen so that the sun’s UV rays do not cause any damage to the skin cells.
How To Lighten Skin?
Let us now see how simple concoctions that you can brew up at home can work wonders in lightening your skin.
Masks For Skin Lightening
Scrubs For Skin Lightening
Massage For Skin Lightening
Masks For Skin Lightening
1. Papaya And Honey Mask
Fresh papaya is not only tasty to eat but is also excellent when it comes to its benefits for the skin. It contains enzymes such as papain and alpha hydroxy acids that have the ability to dissolve dead cells and remove impurities, which lead to glowing skin (1, 2). The other ingredient in this mask, honey has antibacterial properties that can protect the skin (3).
What You Need
- ½ cup fresh papaya pieces
- 1 teaspoon honey
What You Need To Do
1. Mash the papaya pieces till you get a smooth and thick paste.
2. Add honey to this paste and mix thoroughly.
3. Apply the paste to your face and keep it on for about 20 minutes.
4. Wash your face with warm water.
5. Rinse again with cold water and pat your skin dry.
How Often You Need To Do This
Every night before sleeping.
Best Suited For
Oily skin, normal skin
Papain can cause allergic reactions in some people. Do not use this remedy if you are allergic to papaya and its products.
Orange is a commonly found fruit in most households, and it works really well in whitening the skin (4). It is also rich in vitamin C that acts as a good depigmenting agent (5).
What You Need
- A few orange peels
- 1 tablespoon unflavored yogurt
What You Have To Do
1. Dry the orange peels in the sun for two to three days.
2. Once they become almost crisp, grind them till they turn into powder.
3. Mix one tablespoon of this powder with the yogurt till you get a smooth paste.
4. Apply the paste to your skin (after cleansing it) and keep it on for about 15-20 minutes.
5. Rinse with warm water.
How Often You Need To Do This
You can do this every alternate day before going to bed.
Best Suited For
All skin types
3. Tomato, Yogurt, And Oatmeal Mask
The lycopene in tomatoes, which gives them their characteristic red color, has photoprotective properties that

Oatmeal acts as a gentle exfoliant and improves skin health (9).
What You Need
- 1 tomato
- 1 teaspoon yogurt (fresh and unflavored)
- 1 teaspoon oatmeal
What You Have To Do
1. Cut the tomato in half. Take a teaspoon or two of its juice.
2. Take the oatmeal in a bowl, and add the juice and yogurt to it. Mix well.
3. Apply the mask to cleansed skin and leave it on for about 20 minutes.
4. Rinse with warm water.
How Often You Need To Do This
Preferably two to three times in a week.
Best Suited For
Oily skin, normal skin, combination skin
Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C that has been found to have skin lightening effects due to its ability to reduce the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin tanning (10).
What You Need
- 1 tablespoon milk
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon honey
What You Have To Do
1. Mix the ingredients in a bowl.
2. Apply the paste to your face (after having cleansed your face) and leave it on for about 20 minutes.
3. Rinse your face with warm water.
How Often You Need To Do This
Do this every alternate night before going to bed.
Best Suited For
All skin types
If you feel any burning sensation because of the acidity of the lemon juice, take the mask off immediately and rub an ice cube on the area.
5. Gram Flour And Rose Water (Or Yogurt)
Gram flour has been found to possess antimicrobial properties that can protect the skin from infection. Rosewater can revitalize and moisturize the skin and give it a refreshed look (11).
Yogurt has been found to improve the brightness of skin (12). The probiotic bacteria in yogurt have also been found to keep your skin healthy and make it glow (13).
What You Need
- 2 tablespoons gram flour
- 2-3 teaspoons rose water or yogurt
What You Need To Do
1. Mix the ingredients till you get a smooth paste. Use rose water for normal and oily skin and yogurt for dry skin.
2. Apply the mask all over your face and let it stay on for about 20-30 minutes.
3. Rinse with warm water.
How Often You Need To Do This
You can do this thrice a week before going to bed.
Best Suited For
All skin types
Make sure you use yogurt instead of rose water if you have dry skin, else this mask will make your skin drier.
6. Sandalwood Powder
Sandalwood has skin brightening and lightening properties. It inhibits the activity of tyrosinase, thus reducing melanin production (14). Almond powder and milk provide essential nutrients and cleanse the skin, making your skin healthier and lighter after a few applications (15).
- 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder
- 1 tablespoon almond powder
- Milk
What You Have To Do
1. Mix the sandalwood and almond powders with enough milk to make a smooth paste.
2. Apply this to clean skin and leave it on for 20 minutes.
3. Wash with lukewarm water. If you feel any dryness after washing, moisturize your skin well.
How Often You Need To Do This
Apply this mask two to three times a week.
Best Suited For
All skin types
If you have never used sandalwood powder before, do a patch test on a small area on your forearm and observe for 24 hours. If no reaction or irritation develops, you can use this mask on your face.
7. Pumpkin Mask
Pumpkin is a powerhouse of antioxidants and exfoliating acids. It consists of beta-carotene and vitamins A and C, all of which help in lightening and brightening the skin (16).
- 2 teaspoons pumpkin puree
- ½ teaspoon honey
- ½ teaspoon milk
What You Have To Do
1. For the pumpkin puree, first cut a pumpkin into several pieces. Later, boil them and put them in an immersion blender.
2. Mix two teaspoons of this puree with the honey and milk till you get a uniform paste.
3. Apply this paste to your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes.
4. Rinse with warm water.
How Often You Need To Do This
You can try this before going to bed at night. It is recommended to use this two to three times in a week.
All skin types
If you suffer from dairy-related allergies, substitute the milk with rose water or aloe vera juice.
8. Citrus Mask
The citric acid in lemon and grapefruit cleanses and brightens the skin. It acts a natural bleaching agent and also tightens the pores (17). The proteins found in egg white are found to have antibacterial properties (18). These can help protect the skin from external infections.
- 1 egg white
- 1 teaspoon grapefruit juice
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 2 teaspoons sour cream (should not be fat-free)
What You Have To Do
1. Beat the egg white in a bowl till it is fluffy.
2. Take the sour cream in another bowl and mix the juices of grapefruit and lemon with it.
3. Now add this mixture to the egg white and mix thoroughly.
4. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.
5. Rinse your face with warm water.
How Often You Need To Do This
Thrice a week before going to bed.
Best Suited For
Oily skin, combination skin, normal skin
People with dry skin can also try out this remedy, but make sure to moisturize your skin well afterwards.
9. Potato Juice
Potato juice is rich in vitamin C and has antioxidant properties. It is a mild bleaching agent that whitens your skin and also removes dead cells (19, 20).
1 potato
What You Have To Do
1. Peel the potato and cut it into inch-sized pieces.
2. Rub the pieces of potato on the areas you want to lighten so that the juice is spread onto your skin.
3. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and wash with water.
You can also grate the potato, squeeze out the juice, and apply it with the help of a cotton pad.
How Often You Need To Do This
Repeat this thrice a week.
Best Suited For
Potato juice can be slightly drying for the skin. Do not forget to use a moisturizer that suits your skin once you rinse the juice off.
Rice water and rice powder have been used since long by Asian women for softer, lighter, and healthier skin. Studies have proved that rice can protect the skin from UV rays and also possesses anti-aging benefits (21). Milk soothes the skin and gives it nourishment (22).
- ½ cup raw rice
- 3-4 tablespoons milk
What You Have To Do
1. Grind the raw rice to get a fine powder. Mix this powder with the milk to make a paste.
2. Apply this paste onto your skin and leave it on for 20-30 minutes.
3. Wash with warm water.
How Often You Need To Do This
Repeat this two to three times a week.
Substitute milk with regular water or rose water if you are allergic to it.
Blueberries have excellent immunity-boosting properties that can help your skin glow (23).
- A handful of fresh blueberries
- ½ cup plain yogurt
1. Crush the blueberries and blend the paste with the yogurt.
2. Mix well and apply the mask to your face.
3. Leave it on for 15 minutes, and then wash off with warm water.
How Often You Need To Do This
Do this twice a week before going to bed.
Check for allergic reactions if you are unsure if blueberries will suit your skin or not.
Scrubs For Skin Lightening
Aloe vera is the ultimate solution for all skin-related problems. It is abundant in antioxidants and compounds that heal, nourish, and protect the skin (24). The coarseness of the rice flour will remove all the dead skin cells and impurities that have accumulated on the skin.
- An aloe vera leaf
- 2 tablespoons rice flour
1. Cut open the aloe leaf to expose the gel present inside.
2. Dip the gel side of the leaf in the rice flour and rub this gently on your skin in circular motions.
3. Scrub for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water first followed by cool water.
4. Pat dry and moisturize the area.
How Often You Need To Do This
Do this every alternate evening, and you will start noticing results in a few days.
Be gentle while scrubbing. Applying too much pressure can damage your skin.
13. Baking Soda Scrub
The scrubbing motion with the baking soda powder will remove dead cells and kill the bacteria present on the skin to reveal fresher and lighter toned skin (25). You can also add a few drops of lemon juice for better results.
- 1-2 tablespoons baking soda
- Water
1. Mix the baking soda in the water to make a paste.
2. Apply this paste on the areas you want to lighten and scrub for five minutes.
3. Wash with water. Moisturize the area.
How Often You Need To Do This
Repeat this every day for a week to see a difference in your skin color.
Do not use this remedy if you have sensitive skin.
Massage For Skin Lightening
Milk is a natural skin bleacher, and it also nourishes the skin, making it glowing and healthy (26, 27). You can also add the juice of one lemon or a few tablespoons of honey to your milk bath routine.
2-3 tablespoons raw milk
1. Massage the milk on your skin for a few minutes. Use circular motions and upward and downward strokes.
2. Wash your skin with just water after the massage.
How Often You Need To Do This
Do this two to three times a week.
Be careful if you have acne-prone skin as milk can worsen the condition in some people.
Essential oils are basically highly concentrated oils that are extracted from plants (28). They have been used by the likes of Cleopatra to obtain and maintain flawless and glowing skin. Due to their high concentrations, it is highly important to know how to use them. Keep reading to know how you can use the best essential oils for skin lightening and brightening.
General Precaution For Essential Oils
As essential oils are highly concentrated, they can sometimes cause allergic reactions. Hence, before using any essential oil, it is important to do a patch test.
Rose essential oil has a pleasant fragrance and makes your skin supple and soft. Apart from its skin lightening properties, it also reduces acne, scars, and wrinkles (29).
- 1 cup chilled milk
- 10 drops rose essential oil
1. Add the essential oil to the milk and mix well.
2. Apply this mixture all over your body and keep it on for a few minutes.
3. Wash with water.
How Often You Need To Do This
Do this every day for a couple of days.
This essential oil is known to promote the production of collagen, thus fighting the signs of aging such as wrinkles and dark spots. It also protects the skin from UV damage. The overall outcome of these is a brighter and healthier skin tone (30).
- 3-4 drops orange essential oil
- 3-4 drops coconut or jojoba oil
1. Mix the two oils and massage for four to five minutes on the affected area.
2. Leave it on for a few minutes and wash with warm water.
How Often You Need To Do This
Do this every day for a week or two.
The essential oil extracted from the lemon is multipurpose in its activities. It has antiseptic, antibacterial, antioxidant, and astringent qualities. It also rejuvenates your skin and lightens it (31).
- 3-4 drops lemon essential oil
- 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil or water
1. Mix the essential oil with the carrier oil or water and apply on your skin.
2. Massage for a few minutes and wash with water.
3. You can also use a damp cotton pad to wipe it off.
How Often You Need To Do This
Apply this oil every day for a week.
Do not go out immediately into the sun after applying lemon essential oil as it can cause sunburn.
Neroli oil works well for skin lightening for people with oily skin. Apart from making your skin brighter, it also has anti-aging properties (32).
- A few drops of neroli oil
- 1 tablespoon carrier oil
1. Blend both the oils and apply onto your skin.
2. Massage for a few minutes and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
3. Wipe with a damp cloth or cotton pad.
How Often You Need To Do This
Repeat this every day for a couple of days.
Use the above-mentioned remedies diligently for a couple of days, and you are bound to notice a great difference in your skin tone, texture, and health.
Recommended Daily Skin Care Routine
A daily skin care routine, in conjunction with the home remedies listed above, will work wonders in making your skin lighter and also naturally glowing. Follow these tips:
- Cleanse your face every day, once in the morning and once at night, using a gentle cleanser that suits your skin type.
- Exfoliate using simple scrubs like the ones mentioned in this article twice or thrice a week.
- Apply face packs and masks to thoroughly remove all impurities and dirt and also nourish your skin. Do not apply masks more than twice a week.
- Use a soft towel to pat dry the skin on your face and neck.
- A toner is a must in your skin care routine. It balances the skin’s pH and works as an astringent.
- Always use a moisturizer that is right for your skin type. For example, if you have oily skin, opt for an oil-free and light moisturizer. For dry skin, use a moisturizer that will keep your skin hydrated all day long.
- Sunscreen should never be skipped, not matter how sunny or how cloudy it is outside. Dermatologists recommend using sunscreens with a minimum SPF 20 to protect from photodamage.
- Always remove all makeup before going to sleep.
Make these tips a part of your day-to-day skin care ritual, and we guarantee that your skin will become healthier in a matter of days.
Foods That Help In Skin Lightening
Your skin is a direct reflection of how healthy your diet is. Apart from avoiding unhealthy items such as oily, spicy, and sugary foods, you can include certain food items in your diet that will further aid in the process of getting rosy and bright skin.
- Foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, grapefruit, mangoes, blueberries, strawberries, and broccoli.
- Carotenoids found in carrots, red peppers, and sweet potatoes impart a natural glow to your skin.
- Vitamin E is an excellent vitamin to keep your skin hydrated and nourished. Eat avocados, olive oil, almonds, and kiwis to get plenty of vitamin E.
- The omega fatty acids found in fish and chia seeds rejuvenate your skin.
- Eating spinach, both raw and cooked, will detox your body and also keep wrinkles at bay.
You can gain a lot by just utilizing the simple ingredients lying in and around your kitchen. And that includes getting healthy, glowing skin too!
Now that you know how to lighten skin naturally at home, what are you waiting for? Give these skin lightening home remedies a try and let us know how they have helped you. Do comment in the box given below.
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Original article and pictures take http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/skin-whitening-tips-at-home/ site
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