Wrinkles usually appear on the face, neck area, hands, and forearms and occur as part of natural aging process. Wrinkles are formed due to the collagen and elastin tissue that become weak in the skin. The other causes for wrinkles include smoking, exposure to sunlight, stress, genetic factors, sudden weight loss etc.
Pineapple is rich in antioxidants and is a fruit known for its anti-aging effects. Apply pineapple juice all over the skin and leave it on for five minutes before washing off. This increases the level of Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHA) in the skin that is essential to fight the aging process.
Egg White:
Take an egg and separate the white part. Mix 2 tablespoons each of glycerine and rosewater in the white part and stir well. Apply this on your wrinkles. This is a very good home remedy for wrinkles on hands and face.
Lemon Juice:
Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and rub it gently on the wrinkled areas under your eyes. For best results, you should do it two times daily, preferably once in the morning just after you wake up and then at night right before you retire to bed.
Fenugreek in any of its form such as seeds, oil, and even the leaves work well to reduce wrinkles. Make a paste with fenugreek leaves and apply this paste on your face and leave this on overnight and wash it off in the morning with lukewarm water.
Olive Oil:
Olive oil is a great home remedy for face wrinkles. It hydrates and returns the lost moisture to your skin. Mix a few drops of lemon in it while massaging the face. It will make your face radiant, bright and wrinkle-free. Use olive oil in cooking and on salads for better and younger skin.
Rose Water:
Rosewater is a toning and rejuvenating agent and helps in treating wrinkles and also preventing loosening of the skin. Take rose water and dab under the eyes. Allow it to air dry and remain on the skin. Doing this twice every day will help in treating wrinkles under the eyes and prevent further lines from appearing.
Orange juice:
You can also use fresh orange juice for decreasing wrinkles around the eyes. Dip a cotton swab in fresh orange juice and use around them twice daily, morning and in the evening. Ensure you do not get the fresh orange juice in your eye. After a few weeks, you will find a recognizable decrease in line and wrinkles.
Coconut Oil:
The coconut oil treatment is believed to give much faster results. You can see positive difference within as little as just 6-7 days. Coconut oil is an excellent natural moisturizer that does not just fight against wrinkles but also makes your skin soft and smooth.
Vitamin E Oil:
Vitamin E oil if available can be an excellent source for treating wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet. Apply the oil on the areas and massage gently and leave for some time, do this on a regular basis to see the desired results.
Have Foods with Wrinkle Fighting Elements:-
And what are such elements of food? I’ll tell you. They are antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, trace minerals like selenium and copper

- Flax seed and sunflower seeds and oil.
- Brazil nuts
- Whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat and oats.
- Shellfish
- Dark colored fruits and vegetables
- Nuts like almonds, walnuts
- Legumes, beans and lentils
- Eggs
- Liver
- Oily fish like tuna, salmon, herring and sardines
- Green and white tea
- Soy foods (you should have them in moderation only)
- Fruits like papaya, avocado, pineapple, berries, watermelon
- Vegetables like cucumber, tomatoes, ginger, garlic
Include the above in your diet. In short, forget junk food and adopt healthy foods!
Here are some simple tips to prevent wrinkles.
- Eat fruits and green vegetables.
- Drink fresh and organic juices.
- Quit smoking.
- Take balanced diet.
- Avoid junk food.
- Do not use face products containing alcohol.
- Buy facial products containing natural oils.
- Apply a good sunscreen with SPF when you go out in the sunlight.
- Do not take stress.
- Follow a healthy lifestyle.
- Do yoga and exercise in the morning.
- Apply a light moisturizer on the skin, especially on the face.
- Apply skin tightening mask, once a weak.
- Get 8 hours sleep.
Original article and pictures take http://www.stylesofliving.com/articles/remedies-to-get-rid-of-wrinkles/ site
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